ATANews February 17, 2002 HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION PART ONE - THE BODY MIND You are intuitive. You have an active intuitive mind. Your intuitive mind always tells you the truth about all things according to your understanding. You can tune into your intuitive mind anytime you want. These incontrovertible truths are based on Universal Law. Everybody who can think is able to intuit. It's your birthright to be intuitive, or "psychic" as some people call it. It's natural to be intuitive. It's normal. The truth is you really don't "develop" your intuition. You just recognize it for what it is. You develop your ability to recognize and understand your own intuitive insights. You develop your ability to differentiate between imagination and intuition. You distinguish or discriminate one from the other. From ancient times, intuitive people have explained that their "inner" voice is a small, quiet voice. It speaks softly and quietly to us all the time. We don't hear it for several reasons: 1. Our thinking mind is chattering away 2. Our imagination is running wild 3. Our memories are flooding us 4. Our emotions are excited and energetic 5. Our bodies demand something Before we can hear our small, quiet intuitive voice, we need to quiet down all this interference. The first step is to quiet down the "body mind." This mind tells us what our body needs from us. It tells us things like: 1) Drink that coffee, soda, water or something 2) Eat that chocolate, doughnut, cake or something 3) Scratch me here or there where the itch is 4) Relieve this bladder as soon as possible 5) Empty this intestine now before I do 6) Rub these shoulders or aching muscle 7) Move that leg, or hand, or toe or something The messages we receive from our "body mind" usually launch us into some activity to satisfy the needs, wants and desires of the body. The body can be quite demanding. It is demanding. Prove it to yourself. Just sit quietly, close your eyes and forget about everything else. Just be with your body. In almost no time you'll find yourself moving some body part, scratching this or that, relieving pressure here or there, doing something your body wants you to do. Refuse to do it. Just sit there and observe how the body intensifies it's demands. The pressure to move builds, the itches seem to multiply and grow stronger, tense muscles start to get harder and more painful. The body is speaking. It demands your attention. This is happening to you all day, every day whether you're aware of it or not. We habitually answer the demands of our body. We move. We scratch. We tense and release muscles. We do this without thinking. We do it automatically. Habitually. Your first step in tuning into your own intuitive mind is to quiet down the body mind (also called the animal mind, the unconscious, the primitive mind). You do this by relaxing the body and breathing deeply and rhythmically. If you're not accustomed to completely relaxing your body, you might like to try a couple of exercises that have proven helpful to generations of students. The first is a simple contraction-relaxation exercise. It goes like this: Get into a comfortable sitting or reclining position. Adjust your position until you're quite comfortable. Concentrate on your left foot. Thighten the muscles in your left foot slowly until they're intensely rigid. Hold this muscle-contracted position for a couple of seconds and then let go. Completely relax your left foot. Let go of all tension. Repeat this exercise for your right foot, then your left calf, right calf and work your way up your body from feet to head: feet, calves, thighs, hips, lower abdomen, lower back, stomach, middle back, chest, upper back, hands, forearms, upper arms, shoulders, neck and face. In the beginning this exercise can take twenty to thirty minutes to completely relax your body. The benefits of this exercise are to release toxins from your muscles, improve blood flow and oxygenation to your muscles and organs, and to release tension. Over a few days of practice you can go through this whole sequence in less than five minutes. You will be able to relax every muscle completely in just a few minutes. Over a few weeks of practice you can do this whole sequence in less than a minute. Over a few months you can do it in a few seconds. The second exercise is deep breathing (also called abdominal breathing and Yogi breathing). While in a relaxed state, force all of the air out of your lungs and hold it for a second. Then allow your abdomen to inflate while your chest remains compressed. Let the air flow in and out without effort as you raise and relax your abdomen. This is the first phase of abdominal deep breathing. After a few breaths, allow your chest to inflate after your lower lungs are filled with air. Hold your breath for a second. Relax and let the air from your chest expel first. Then pull in your abdomen and let the rest of the air in your lungs move out. Pause and repeat. This is the second phase of deep breathing. One caution: Never force your breath. Always be relaxed and comfortable before you start deep breathing, while deep breathing and after you're done with the exercise. As you quiet down and relax your body, abdominal breathing become easier. My suggestion is to do only the first exercise until you can completely relax your whole body in less than five minutes. Then add the second exercise. First get relaxed and then breathe deeply. The benefits of deep breathing are more energy, deeper relaxation, removal of toxins from the lungs, calmer state of mind and greater emotional control. It may seem strange to you to relax and breathe as a first step toward opening your intuitive mind. But thousands of teachers have been teaching this technique for thousands of years with good results. Students who take this first step discover things about themselves they never knew. They become calmer and more peaceful, less anxious and less depressed, more energetic and more intuitive. Try it and see what you experience. Have a great week. Namaste, John Copyright February, 2002 by the American Tarot Association, all rights reserved.