HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR INTUITION - PART FIVE Some people contact their Intuitive Mind and receive a flow of information about life and things. The ideas just keep coming. It's as though somebody turned on the faucet and left the water running. At least in the beginning. Then the more you don't do anything about the knowledge you're gaining, the slower the ideas come until they just stop. It's as though somebody tuned off the faucet. What you don't use, you lose. That's a fact of life. If you don't use your muscles, they atrophy and lose strength. If you don't use your mind, it atrophies and you lose cognition. If you don't use your intuition, it stops talking. Some people want their intuitive mind to be quiet so they can attain a state of Zen. So, they don't do anything about their intuitive insights while they're meditating. Other people want to encourage intuitive insights. So they write them down and do something about them. All of them. There's a third group of people who want to do both meditate for spiritual enlightenment and to receive intuitive insights. This is the more difficult path because you need to train your Intuitive Mind to know when you want to do what. Decide how you want to use your intuitive mind. Write it all down in your journal. Then approach your intuitive mind with the expectation it will do exactly what you want it to do. It will. It will do what you instruct it to do. It will answer your questions or it will be quiet as you wish. Next week we'll answer your questions and wrap up this series by discussing higher uses of your intuitive mind. In the meantime, have a great week. Namaste, John ======================================= ATANews is published weekly by the American Tarot Association. All material published in ATANews is the property of the ATA and may be used only with permission. Permission will not be unjustly refused. Copyright 2002 all rights reserved. You have our permission to share this newsletter with a friend. =======================================