In This Issue

Wow!  A lot has happened since last month!  Here in the United States, on the downside, we've had continued struggles with the economy and identified more individuals who have sacrificed the well being of the country to satisfy their own personal greed - doing more to damage this country than any terrorist group could have done.  On the up side, we inaugurated President-elect Barack Obama, and enjoyed a Super Bowl.

Oh, and also on the up side, we picked another contest winner...

Congratulations, Aurora of Otis, Massachusetts!

The correct answer was the Seven of Cups card from the Swiss 1JJ.  The secret hint was the green leaf to the side which differentiated it from the 9 of Cups card.  Enjoy your Transparent Tarot!  Thanks to everyone for playing!  We have a new contest for this month, so good luck to everyone!  You really should enter, the odds of winning are really great!

We have a great issue this month!  All our regulars are back, Gary Meister, Terri C., Jeanne Fiorini, Leean Lester, Adrienne Abeyta, and Melanie Harris with an interview with John Holland, the creator of the Psychic Tarot Oracle deck.  We are very pleased to have Stephanie Arwen Lynch contribute an article on journaling this month and are absolutely thrilled to have GREAT articles by three new (to us!) writers:  Cheryl Hill, Rodney Carter, and Paul K. Smith, M.Ed.  Be sure to encourage them to contribute regularly by leaving comments!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2009

Questions? Comments? Contact us.