In this Issue

It's only February, but a lot has already happened this year.  Send thoughts, prayers, money, support, whatever you can muster to help Haiti.  We are only as good as we treat each's a shame though that it takes a catastrophe in order for some people to get the attention that all members of humanity deserve.  Resolve during this month, which is associated with love, to do for other living things as you would like them to do for you.  Donate your time, money, self to a worthy cause.  The need is constant.

The ATA has been busy this month as well.  We have just launched our Twitter page and I'm working on a Facebook page also that will have my full attention again after this issue of Tarot Reflections hits the 'Net.  We are very busy, but not so much that we can't find the time to announce the winner of January's Contest!

Congratulations, Linda Tenney of Palm Harbor, Florida, USA!

Linda guessed that the bit of image was from the Ace of Water card in the Tarot of Paris deck!  Thanks to all participants!  Don't forget to enter this month's contest, the odds of winning are GREAT!

We have a great issue this month!  We have all our awesome regular contributors filing interesting articles and I even found the time to design a spread for this issue (while a reading appointment was standing me up)!  We also have a real treat, in that we have both Christina Bjergo, LAc, and Emily A. Smith, PhD contributing excerpts from their new books! Christina's will be available later this month and Emily's is available now on her website.

The weather here in Washington State, at least east of the Cascades, is like spring, but we know that winter is still holding on hard and fast to the rest of the USA, so grab a warm drink, wrap up in something warm and enjoy the issue this month!

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2010

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