February 2010 Tarot Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

This month's TarotScopes feature six different decks.  Each deck is used twice.  See the individual scopes for identification and publisher. - Ed.


Justice (3 of Pentacles) 

Juggling too many projects can lead to sloppy errors, as can working without proper guidelines. Your work may be scrutinized this month for being less than acceptable. Before getting pulled in different directions, it would be wise to finish what you’ve started. If not, you might not be able to handle the consequences. Be cautious of learning institutions, certifications, and business logistics, and do the appropriate background checks before investing time and money. This is also a good time to begin consolidating records and receipts for taxes. Don’t take any shortcuts with rules and regulations – big brother is watching!

Images used are from the Omaggio a Erté created by Amerigo Folchi for the Edizioni del Solleone.


Lovers (Queen of Cups) 

A deeply emotional experience connects you to past memories in a way that is irrational and mysterious. You may think you are in control of your choices, but when you look deeper, you’ll realize that most of your actions are motivated by subconscious feelings. Take inventory of your current relationships, home life, work, spiritual practice, health and finances. Notice how these areas relate to your state of being. It’s often that a mixed-up inner world translates to a mixed-up outer world. To make conscious decisions is to be aware of the motivations behind them. Take a closer look.

Images used are from the Tarot of Inner Peace created and published by Heidi Maimann.


Wheel of Fortune (8 of Wands) 

Changes on the horizon promise an exciting time ahead. Travel is possible around the end of the month. Business ventures rooted in the past year finally begin to show favorable outcomes. Don’t be too hasty though, or you might turn an opportunity into a struggle – it’s all about timing right now. You may need to consolidate some of your current projects to free the space needed for these changes. Life has a peculiar way of giving just what is needed, so don’t swim against the current – just let it flow.

Images used are from the Hudes Tarot created by Susan Hudes, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Hanged Man (King of Cups) 

No need to sit in sorrow, for what is blue now, may be purple tomorrow – feelings simply color our state of being. Moods, like the tides, are a natural, flowing phenomenon. Where do they originate, what causes the change in motion, and how do they appear so different on the surface than from beneath? Be aware of how your feelings shift from circumstance to circumstance. Then, resist identifying with these feelings and instead, just notice. You are not your moods! Be wary of people around you whose energy is draining, and in return, be careful not to project your woes on others. 

Images used are from the Tarot de Marseille, published by Baptiste Paul Grimaud/France Cartes.


Magician (3 of Swords) 

The mind is the master illusionist; it interprets a whole story out of pieces of information and then fools you into believing that it is the truth. The problem arises, however, when your truth collides with a different truth, and worse still, when that other truth belongs to someone you love or trust. The challenge lies in how to reconcile these differences. Refrain from making assumptions or sweeping statements because it will limit your ability to learn new information. Your thoughts are based on what you believe. When you expand your mind and challenge your own beliefs, you open your life to possibilities. 

Images used are from the Mythic Tarot created by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke, published by Simon & Schuster.


Hierophant (Queen of Pentacles) 

The search for meaning can take the form of several different paths, and as you walk one, you begin to fill yourself with external gratifications and self knowledge. These experiences form your values, and in some ways, change the course of your life. However, if clung to, they can also become basis for unrealistically high standards. Be careful not to set your sights only on comfort and material successes. If your identity is contingent upon what you possess and your sanity upon stability, you’ll only be half a person. 

Images used are from the Tarot of Reflections created by Francesco Ciampi, published by Lo Scarabeo and distributed by Llewellyn Worldwide.


Temperance (9 of Wands) 

Balance has certainly become the new buzz word, although its meaning is often ambiguous. The misunderstanding of this ancient concept is rooted in the dualism of the mind. Balance doesn’t mean this or that, nor does it mean the avoidance of conflict. Its meaning is more closely related to the concept of cooking. It is the blending of different ingredients: experiences, opinions, thoughts, feelings and conflicts to create a new recipe for living. Let down your guard and participate in this great experiment called life. Temper your feelings of resentment with compassion; fear with trust; apathy with curiosity; and idealism with practicality.

Images used are from the Omaggio a Erté created by Amerigo Folchi for the Edizioni del Solleone.


Chariot (10 of Wands) 

If you want to bring passion and excitement into your life, begin by reviving your current projects or relationships with new enthusiasm. Or, be courageous enough to let them go all together. When pulled in opposite directions of freedom and obligation, it’s wise to rise above your ego and follow a purposeful direction. Don’t let the rebel usurp the responsible one in a whim of restlessness. However, watch that the traditionalist doesn’t stifle the urge of inspiration. There’s only a thin line between the two, and you as the master must guide for the greater good.

Images used are from the Tarot of Inner Peace created and published by Heidi Maimann.


Hermit (2 of Cups) 

The people in your life, whether family or long-time friends; romantic relationships or clandestine affairs; co-workers, teachers, roommates, doctors and even your enemies have all left their mark on your evolution. They have all impressed something important upon you which influences the way you see yourself. However, there are times in life when it is necessary to decompress from all this. This could be challenging if you are in a relationship or part of a family, but anything is doable. Create a sacred space to spend time alone. If you are longing for a relationship, use this time to court yourself and find ways to relish in your own splendor.

Images used are from the Hudes Tarot created by Susan Hudes, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.


Tower (2 of Wands) 

You’re in the process of deconstruction, and there’s still some rubble to salvage. Whatever fell apart or didn’t turn out as planned last month has left some unexpected options to work with. Don’t fall into dismay over a loss or you’ll miss out on what’s left. There’s room for you to build a more viable foundation. You’ll find that when you’re least expecting it, someone with a similar vision will surface. This is a prime time for sharing resources, so be practical about what you want and stay open to receiving it.

Images used are from the Tarot de Marseille, published by Baptiste Paul Grimaud/France Cartes.


Emperor (5 of Pentacles) 

Stability is often mistaken for control. Feeling stable is based upon a confident knowing that in any circumstance, you will remain secure in your own right. Nothing can take that away from you. Like any good leader knows: it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. This is one of those times. You will be challenged in an area that relates to your security and, although the results could be dismal, this too will pass. Fathers and bosses could be implicated in this quandary as they play a part in lessons of authority.

Images used are from the Mythic Tarot created by Liz Greene and Juliet Sharman-Burke, published by Simon & Schuster.


Star (Page of Swords) 

If wishes were wings, you could fly above your problems until they were merely specks of starlight. This is possible when you develop self-confidence. The commentary in your head can be relentless, pointing out pitfalls before they even exist. The mind, like a child, will taunt you until you react out of anger, or recoil out of fear. Don’t believe everything you hear – especially the ranting in your head!  A seemingly hopeless situation turns out to have a dim light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your faith strong and focus on the solution, not the problem.

Images used are from the Tarot of Reflections created by Francesco Ciampi, published by Lo Scarabeo and distributed by Llewellyn Worldwide.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2010

Questions? Comments? Contact us at reflections@ata-tarot.com