By Emily A. Smith, PhD
Greetings and salutations and a very happy month of love!
My name is Emily A. Smith, PhD and I am the author of the book: Thank You Mr. Wrong. Why did I choose to create such a book? Because I had been through hell both with the men I chose to date and the amount of time I chose to stay. I also visited my own personal hell, which is precisely why the reflection that I often times found in a mate, was of the same nature. It is through my research and observations of my self and everyone around me that allowed me to write such a tale. I went on a very long dating sabbatical with a purpose. I was not willing to put myself into another relationship that was doomed to fail. I had to find out what it was within my self that created the same endings over and over again in my love relationships. When we keep creating the same patterns, it is time to step out and draw the line. I became acutely aware of the following truth: Until I became the woman I have always claimed to be, I would not be able to find the partner that I had always claimed to deserve.
Thank You Mr. Wrong is a book created by me, my best friend and improv comedian Kris Bush, and seven other women with ages ranging mid 20’s-50’s. These women are single, sexy, and know what they want. It is because of this work that I was able to truly look inside myself and own up to the parts that needed both reflection and release. I am thrilled to say that because of the work I was willing to do on myself, I was able to find an accurate reflection in a love partner. So, Thank You Mr. Wrong…because of all of you, I was able to finally find my true self and my very own Mr. Right!
Take from the book directly:
Let me begin by saying that more than likely if you have not been burned by a significant relationship, you would not have picked up this book. Am I right? It's true, misery does love company. Well, this is not a book for the miserable. In fact, this is a book for the smart, sexy, sassy woman who may need a little pick-me-up, and we have just what you’re looking for!
This is an offering to her fellow women. We love women. We have a shared passion to treat women with respect and kindness and not as the enemy. If you feel like:
-you've been burned too many times
-want to give up on love
-stayed way past the expiration date of your relationships
-or just don't even want to put forth the energy on someone who will break your heart
Then take a seat, get comfortable and read on, sister! This is a book for the ones that realized that Mr. Wrong can be a lot of fun if you haven't put your whole heart and soul into trying to turn him into Mr. Right!
Not every relationship is going to lead you to your greatest joy. In fact, in our calculations it might actually turn out that it just may only be ONE that takes you to joy beyond your wildest expectations. And do you know what that relationship is? It is the one that you have with yourself. This sounds like a cliché but it is the simple truth. Once you cultivate this relationship, then and only then will you truly find your match. You cannot be a needy woman and find Mr. Wonderful. The guy who shows up in that scenario is simply ‘Savior Guy’; the guy that loves to come to your rescue. And do you know what happens to him once you are rescued in getting to the top of your game? They leave to go rescue someone else! Keep on movin’ sister; you're on the right path. So put on your own ‘Wonder Woman’ Cape and get ready to fly, because we just may know what it is you are still looking to find: the simple truth that you are in fact, worth it all.