Frolicking Fae

By Terri Clement

Using the Oracle of Shadows & Light by Lucy Cavendish, published by Blue Angel Publishing.

Here it is the first week of March and the Snow Queen visited us again during the night. I woke to a beautiful, sparkling blanket of white. Now the sun is shining brightly in the sky above and the snow is beginning to melt. While I know that many are anxiously waiting for spring, I do love the snow!

So let’s take a look at what the Fae have to offer us for this month…

As we await our transition here in the northern hemisphere from winter to spring, this makes an excellent time to recharge your personal battery. This is the time when we clear the cobwebs from winter, both physically in our homes as well as mentally. Dig in and do that deep cleaning on both levels.  You will be glad that you did. Just remember, it doesn’t have to be done all at once.

The first part of the month is a good time for change and learning. What have you always wanted to do or learn, but you have been putting off? Now is the time to give that a try. Really, what have you to lose?  The Fae say “Nothing!  So get with it already!” Remember, learning is what keeps the mind young and active.

March is also a good time for those of you who plant vegetable gardens to get out and start working the soil for this year’s crops. It is also a good time to start some of those earlier veggies inside, like broccoli and cauliflower.

Around the time that we “Spring ahead,” you might find yourself feeling overwhelmed with everything on your “To-Do” list. Try your hardest not to fret, as worry depletes today of strength. Just take your time and pace yourself.  Eventually, you will be able to mark everything off your list. Remember, to take care of you first. Make yourself a priority in your own life.  :D  …And don’t forget to pause and reflect on everything you HAVE accomplished.  

As we are now a quarter of the way through the year, it might be the perfect time to do a little self-evaluation. How are you coming along with your goals for this year? How about those New Year’s Resolutions? Do you need to make some adjustments?  Have you fallen off of you path?  It’s okay if you are not on target. Acknowledge that, dust yourself off, make the necessary changes and begin again. If you are on your way then a huge CONGRATULATIONS to you!  YAY!!!

March 20th brings us the Spring Equinox, the celebration of spring, the rebirth of nature. It is the time when light and darkness are equal but light is starting to take over. This is an excellent time for nurturing friendships and personal growth.

The Spring Equinox is a very important time for the Fae as well. The Flower and Tree Faeries have been busily working all winter helping the plants grow. Even though we have not been able to see this growth, it has been happening none-the-less. Spring is when these Fae get to see the fruits of their labors. Why not leave a special offering for them?!

Towards the end of the month, you should find a very clear solution to a challenge you’ve been facing this month. It should come to you like an “Aha!” moment. Not only will this be the proper answer you’ve been looking for, but will also come as a tremendous relief.

A nice stone to carry this month is a Bloodstone.  


This stone is a good grounding and protecting stone. It has powerful healing energy and is an excellent blood cleanser. It helps with intuition and can increase your creativity. It can draw of negative environmental energy.  The Bloodstone can help calm and enhance decision making while eliminating confusion.

As always, I hope you find that this message, from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of this month! Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight and entertainment!

See you again next month and keep the faith!

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