Latest Update: April 01, 2003

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In This Issue


About Tarot Reflections

Tarot Reflections is a bi-monthly, web-based publication of the ATA containing insightful essays, informative reviews, guided meditations, tarot-related humor ... and more! Archives of back issues are maintained online.

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This Issue's Featured Article:
Review: Quest Tarot

Astrological correspondances. I Ching correspondances. Hebrew correspondances. Even eye and hair colors! A review of the deck that positioned to tell all -- including what a fashionable Tarotist should wear!

Deck Review: Universal Tarot
Enter an alternative universe where the illustrations by Pamela Coleman Smith are re-rendered by Roberto DeAngelis.

Journal Review: Celebrating the Tarot
Newcomer to Tarot Reflections Beth Russell gives an enthusiastic "thumbs up" to this Tarot journal. 


Three-Card Healing Spread
Short and sweet -- three positions you can use to explore the healing that awaits you.

Call for Assistance: Donate Decks to the Prison Service Project!
Share your love for Tarot and help someone along his or her spiritual path at the same time! Find out how you can donate a deck to the PSP today. More...

Mysterious Musings of Madame Athame
It's another insightful reading from the woman who puts the sigh in "insight," Madame Athame!  More...


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All articles remain the property of their respective authors.
Tarot Reflections is a publication of the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2003
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