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Tarot Reflections

 April 15 , 2004


Calgary Tarot Conference 2004
Eileen Croutch, CTGM
Executive Director, Canadian Tarot Network


The Canadian Tarot Network presents Calgary Tarot Conference 2004!

The conference is being held on August 21st and 22nd in the Quality Inn Calgary Airport's Skyview Room. For room reservations call (403) 276-3391.

Our guest speakers include Sandra Thompson, president of the ATA; Norma Cowie, author and guest of numerous TV and radio shows; Houston Gentlemoon, Reiki Master and Medical Intuitive Practitioner; Kathleen Meadows, co-author of the DreamQuest Cards and TV show guest; Bella Gagnon, president of the CTN; and Robert Mueller, co-author of The Lovers' Tarot and Spiritual Tarot.

There will be door prizes and an auction at the close of Saturday's events. Ticket prices are $150 for the two day event for members (CTN and ATA) or $75 for one day. Non-members are $200 and $110 respectively. For more information, write or call toll-free 866-478-8808.

Prices listed are in Canadian dollars.


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