I've been working my way through the book Tarot for the Healing Heart by Christine Jette. About a week ago, I drew a card from my Animal-Wise Tarot deck for general guidance on my healing journey through the book and Tarot. I drew the Goose (five of swords). In studying and mediating about geese, it occurred to me that geese migrate in groups. They never make a long journey alone and maybe I shouldn't either.
So I contacted the author and to make a long story short with her permission and guidance, I started a support group for those of us who have read or are reading the book. And this is my formal invitation if anyone on this list would like to join me at
Thank you very much for reading this,
Shelley Bossert
For more information about the book or the author visit:
To read a review or order the book visit:
A Note from the Author:
When Shelley approached me with the idea of starting a support group based on Tarot for the Healing Heart , I was both impressed and humbled by her proposal. I was impressed because she wrote me a polished letter in the form of a request. Some would not have asked permission to use my copyrighted work and I am grateful for her professionalism. I am humbled because she values Tarot for the Healing Heart . Knowing that my words help people is the greatest gift I can receive as a writer.
Because of personal and professional time commitments, I am unable to participate in the Healing Heart group. I endorse Shelley's idea and am confident she will gently guide the project in the direction it needs to go for the Highest Good of all participants.
The healing process is often scary, sometimes wonderful, and always mysterious. Please read the medical disclaimer before you begin and get professional health advice if you need it. Thank you for your interest in my work!
Best wishes on your journey,
Christine Jette