Aces represent a generative energy that identifies the potential for some
new opportunity in our lives. The Aces are associated with the Magician,
conscious thought, and masculine energy.
the Twos, we find the next step in manifestation of this new idea. The
Twos are associated with the High Priestess, and represent a reflective,
thoughtful, feminine energy stage. Here we take our new idea and we
ponder it, plan for it, start the preparations, and begin weighing the
possibilities. Choice between two alternatives is a key aspect of the
Twos - to keep what we have or try for something new - to evaluate our new
idea and decide whether to actually do it or not. Here we must look at
our new idea, lover, emotion, etc., and make a choice about committing to
it or setting it aside and waiting for the next possibility to arise. In
the Twos, there is interaction with others - the self vs. the not-self -
and decisions to be made that have long-term implications.
are some real-life examples of the Twos:
Swords: The
first time we take our new idea and tell it to someone else. We perceive
their reaction (good or bad). We try to decide if it really is a good
idea and should be acted upon, or just a wild imagining. We do some
research to see whether others have already had this idea and what they
thought about it. We hold actual activity in abeyance until we have
thought our idea through some more and decide whether to pursue it.
Cups: Our rush
of feeling for someone else has turned into a real relationship. This is
the stage where we get to know each other closely, and decide whether or
not to commit to this relationship over the long-term. We learn each
others good points and bad points, compatibilities and incompatibilities,
and as yet have not made any decisions, just enjoying the ride. In the
meantime, we begin to think about what a future with this person might be
like, even if we have not yet spoken of it.
Wands: We are
considering starting a new life. We have something stable already built,
but are considering leaving it and heading out into a new direction, to
become a new person. We are weighing the risks against the potential gain
of expansion of our horizons, but have not yet left the security of our
homes. This could be an adolescent considering moving out of his parent's
home, a person deciding whether or not to leave their marriage, or a
businesswoman considering moving to a new country to take a new job. At
this time, all the considerations are weighed and any planning or
preparation is done that is needed.
Disks: Here we
are faced with a physical or material decision that has emotional
undertones. We are keeping our options open by juggling more things than
we can really handle over the long-term. Meanwhile we struggle with the
internal process of deciding which of these things to keep and which to
let go. A new opportunity (Ace) has entered our life, but to take
advantage of it, other things must be dropped. An example might be
working long hours to build a consulting business while still holding a
full-time job, knowing that eventually either the consulting business will
take off and you can quit your job, or it will fail and you will go back
to your first job without the extra hours of work. Here we try to
determine if this new financial or material opportunity is really viable
and worthy of our full attention and investment.
Threes can be associated with the Empress, and are the productive and
fertile union of the pure male principle (embodied in the Magician) and
the pure female principle (embodied in the High Priestess), and are
considered balanced and harmonious for this reason (all the multiples of
three are). The Threes therefore represent the traditional associations of
fertility and abundance, but also the first earthly manifestation of the
new gift or potential that came with the Aces, which has been pondered,
planned for, evaluated, and decided upon in the Twos.
at this point, the journey is by no means finished. In fact, it is just
getting started - but the first actual steps toward making it a reality
have been taken. Another aspect of the Threes is the intervention or
involvement of three people. Just as the Twos deal with duality, which
often involves another person, so the Threes take this one step further -
leading to even greater productivity or greater difficulty, joy or pain.
are some card associations corresponding to these aspects of the Threes:
Pentacles: The
first actual use of a newly learned skill to make something. A project
moves from blueprints to construction. A family moves into its new home
after deciding to move across the country and start a new life. A
financial investment pays off with dividends. Working in teams to
accomplish something practical.
Cups: Friends
or family celebrate a commitment to a relationship, such as a betrothal -
this is the stage when the relationship has been publicly announced and
celebrated, but the marriage has not yet taken place. A pregnancy or
adoption. The first harvest of the season, celebration and sharing these
fruits with others.
Swords: The
moment that a new direction of thought is manifested, for example, a
person writes the first chapter of a new book. A grant is received and a
scientific research program begun. A person presents their ideas at a
conference and gets public or professional feedback and criticism. The
intervention of a third party into a previously stable relationship,
resulting in jealousy or heartbreak.
Wands: After
long planning, a person starts a new business and gets their first
contract. A person makes a decision to change their lifestyle and begins
to take the actions required to achieve this change. A person takes their
first independent steps out into the world and goes exploring. A new job
offer is accepted that reflects a change of career. The expansion of a
business to include employees or a new partner.
of these situations lead to growth, sometimes painful, sometimes joyful.
Fours are identified with consolidation, security, stability, building
foundations for the future, resting, and regeenerating. Just as the Three
are expansive and creative, the Fours represent consolidation,
contraction, and conservation of energy. They are the natural
counterbalancing force to the Threes, and a restful stop before continuing
on to the unstable energy of the Fives.
can liken the first four numbers to the seasons of the year. Aces are
springtime - the germination of the seed, the first shoots of the plants,
the thawing and beginning of a new cycle. Twos are summer - putting down
roots and sending up stems and leaves - the potential of the plant
beginning to be realized. Threes are autumn - the fruiting, ripening, and
harvest of the plant and celebration of the harvest. And Fours are
winter - resting, conserving energy, established plants putting down
deeper roots during dormancy, preparing for the next cycle.
are some real-life examples of fours:
Restful contemplation after a painful experience which has expanded our
understanding of ourselves, others, or the world. Time is needed to heal
our mental wounds and to integrate what we have learned in a positive
manner. During this time, we try to fit what we have experienced into a
mental framework and make sense of it. This could be a solitary vacation
or retreat to try to sort out your direction in life, rehabilitation after
surgery, a mental illness or drug addiction, or as simple as taking some
time off after completion of a particularly demanding or difficult project
at work.
Wands: In
this card there is celebration, but also a formalization of a business or
romantic relationship into a partnership that lays the foundations for the
future. Here we are making a final commitment and agreeing to live by
certain promises, rules, or ethical standards freely given to one another,
that will set some limits on future activities but also provide a solid
and stable foundation for growth together with our chosen partner. A
marriage or formation of a business partnership are good examples.
Cups: Here we
begin to see that all is not love and perfection in our relationships with
others. We have gotten past the breathless excitement, romance, and
passion of our early relationships, and reality and familiarity is setting
in. This is a test of our ability to see things as they really are, to
establish a deeper relationship with someone that is not based on
transient pleasures. Or else, we may discover that there is nothing
really solid there and we are bored. This could be likened to a mid-life
or mid-marriage crisis. If a couple gets through this stage together,
then their marriage nearly always comes out the better or stronger for
it. Or, they may do something they bitterly regret later (5 of cups).
Disks: This
card represents consolidation of our finances or material possessions. In
a positive light, after the expansion and risk-taking of the Threes, we
pull back a bit and make sure we are providing for our future. We may
focus on building our assets carefully, rather than investing in dot.coms.
We establish bank accounts for our kids' future college expenses and for
retirement. We protect our investments through insurance and careful
money management, and put a hold on any risky activities. We pay
attention to our diet and exercise, trying to hold on to our youth and
good health.
Fives are an interesting dichotomy in tarot - in traditional decks they
are painful, negative cards, and yet in some more modern and feminist
decks they are cards of spirituality, magick, and womanhood. The same
duality can be seen in their associated trump, the Hierophant. On the one
hand, he represents in some decks and to some readers all that is wrong
with organized religion - corruption, greed, and intolerance. On the
other hand, he represents the link between the divine and the mundane, the
Word of Spirit brought to earth. Some decks assign the Hierophant to the
element of earth, in his association with Taurus. To other minds, he is
best represented by Spirit rather than one of the four earthly elements.
traditional numerology, Fives represent instability and change. After the
highly stable (and some might say rigid) Fours, a fair amount of
destabilizing energy is needed to push oneself out of this stable or
stagnant situation to allow further growth. One characteristic of the
Fives is that the change is generally not voluntary or expected -
therefore, it can be frightening and there may be a real or perceived lack
of control over the situation and one's reactions to it. Hence the
traditional associations of the Fives in tarot with the most negative
situations in life. The movement from the Fives to the more harmonious
Sixes can be brought about through a personal or spiritual transformation
or through the grace of God/dess - and this is where the other side of the
Fives can be seen, even in the traditional decks.
number 5 is also associated with women, and with magick. These
associations may have been frightening to some originally, and added to
the negative associations with the Fives (as in the fifth sephiroth of the
kabalah). However, some newer decks, such as Wheel of Change, have begun
to celebrate these as positive associations. The symbol of the
upward-pointing pentagram is one that often appears, as well as four
elements or directions integrated into central white energy in a ritual
have been working with
personal Tree of Life that encompasses the scientific aspects of
creation, as well as spirituality, and some of the ideas that are coming
out relate to the trumps numbered 0-5 - they can be likened to the natural
creation of the earth, as follows:
- The Fool -
spirit, nothingness, the origin of the universe
- The Magician
- air, coalescing of swirling gases and elements into matter and molecules
- The High Priestess
- water, the formation of the earth's oceans and atmospheres, the creation
of the necessary conditions for life
- The Empress
- earth, the abundance of plant and animal life that arose next
- The Emperor
- fire, the spark of consciousness and self-awareness that arises in
humans and organization of the humans into civilization and the arts of
agriculture, trade, law, government
- The Hierophant
- spirit, the reaching out of human civilization for something greater
than itself, a return to our connection with the origin, but filtered
through our perception of the material world
Notice that the trumps 0-5 comprise the four elements, bracketed on either
side by Spirit. The trumps 1-4 are known as the "heavenly and earthly
parents", and this is quite interesting in this context.
real-life examples of the Fives:
Wands: Intense
competition at work or in the marketplace, a clash of wills while the
argument is still going on and no-one is sure who will come out on top,
internal conflict caused by uncertainty about one's identity or a
challenge to deeply held ideals, instability that threatens a marriage or
business partnership, scattering of energies due to lack of focus.
Swords: Being
confronted with new ideas that feel threatening to the established order
of things, rampant idealism overriding calm reason, facing a harsh
reality, mental instability resulting in cruelty or victimization, verbal
battles or contests, a period of revolutionary change.
Financial instability, loss or sudden change of job or living situation,
being physically out of balance or ill, facing a period of hardship,
rejection or isolation, physical violence or accidents, stress.
Cups: Loss of
a relationship, coping with death or illness of a family member or friend,
grieving, emotional instability (positive or negative), self-doubt,
fluctuating self-esteem, creative change.
End of Part One – To be cont’d in May 15th issue |