May 2008 Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

This month's TarotScopes features the images of a trimmed Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.  Copyright (c) 2008 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.  All images are used with permission.



High Priestess (7 of Disks) This is a deeply reflective period for you, a time in which your focus should be on the internal workings of your soul.  The projects you have been currently working on may lose their luster as your motivation dwindles.  Not to worry, though: use this time to refine your efforts and listen to your intuition.  Most importantly, do not force yourself to comply to standards that aren’t in alignment with your values.  The beginning of the month will reveal something you have been vaguely suspicious of - sit with it before you respond.



World (2 of Cups) A relationship will yield some interesting prospects that could change the course of your life, be it a proposal, a marriage, a baby, a rewarding partnership, or perhaps a reconciliation that allows great healing and forgiveness.   It could also be a profound connection with something that generates a new sense of purpose and direction: art, nature, spirituality, or a humanitarian endeavor.  Your perception of life will be affected by everything around you; make it a point to honor what is most sacred and release the rest.



Tower (5 of Wands) Minor annoyances prove to be more than just a thorn in your side; in fact, they begin to threaten the very security you have established.  Your strong points are your innate adaptability and your clever way of ascribing meaning to the mundane.  The problems that arise this month are really answers in disguise; conflicts with people are opportunities to develop stronger boundaries, failures offer freedom from restrictive commitments, and stressors are distractions to be avoided.  After the 6th, you can expect things to get a lot hotter.  Keep your internal temperature cool and things will blow over.



Hermit (3 of Swords) Some unwanted news is likely to cause a small anxiety attack.  In this case, however, it’s better to know the truth than to be blind to it or in denial.  Be patient and calm, for there is a solution that can be figured out.  You may want to ask the advice of someone more experienced than you, because your emotions tend to cloud your judgment.  You can expect to feel a little drained after the 8th, so it might be helpful to spend some time alone reading, meditating, or resting. 



Wheel of Fortune (8 of Swords) Your current impasse will regain momentum, so prepare yourself for some changes.  The very thing you have been constrained by (an unhappy relationship, job, or other disappointing experience) will turn and set you free.  The twist, however, is that you have no control over this change.  You have been guarding so forcefully against this that the decision is no longer in your hands.  The weekend of the 10th provides the catalyst for this new movement.  Let go of any harbored resentments, or you will be taken down by this turn of events.



Sun (2 of Disks) The various projects you have been managing will finally show signs of success, either monetarily or through the validation of others.  This does not mean that you can rest on your laurels as of yet: some clever juggling will be necessary to keep things going.  Be sure that by the 12th, you have all your ducks in a row, or else what you’ve worked so hard for will fall apart.  Concurrently, there are opportunities to gamble a little, so don’t be too timid to take a risk. 



Temperance (8 of Cups) Some pent-up emotions really need an outlet; discover ways to bring forth these deeper feelings and you will uncover a new dimension of yourself.  It’s worthwhile for you to concentrate on what’s important, to abandon any hopeless situations, and to face the truth of what you’re feeling.  Work on accepting your feelings by offering them space to move; by denying their affect, you’re rejecting the beauty and wholeness of your soul.  For the artist, this is a profoundly creative period for you to resurrect an old project.



Moon (7 of Cups) Fantasies of all colors will bleed through the fabric of your reality; how you channel this is up to you.  First, be honest about what you can and cannot do, as there will be severe limitations to some of your goals.  If you make commitments, be sure you can back them up with effort.  The tendency at this time is to idealize; perhaps it would be better to stick to the drawing board instead of starting new projects.  The weekend of the 17th is a red zone - pay attention to the choices you make and their potential consequences.



Hierophant (5 of Cups) No use crying over spilt milk; what’s lost may not always be found, but it can be replaced, and the loss can always be accepted.  An occasion for self-discovery is upon you; as you reach inside for knowledge, you’ll learn a valuable lesson.  Shift your focus from grief to curiosity, and examine how failure actually provides you freedom.  It’s your choice whether to dwell or progress; ask yourself which serves you better.  The Full Moon is ripe with new possibilities - let go of your regrets.



Judgment (King of Wands) A new day has dawned, and with it, many of your goals will materialize. This is a period for rapid improvement - a time to stand up for what you believe in.  There is nothing to fear if you remain true to yourself.  The dreams you are most afraid to pursue are precisely the ones that need your attention.  Honestly, why are you procrastinating? Put an end to those excuses, accept your challenge, and begin your quest.  Around the 22nd, an important person from your past will remind you of a cherished dream.



Magician (4 of Swords) Your words are like arrows; aim carefully and to the mark.  Through the clever use of words and shrewdness of mind, you have a heightened ability to achieve what you want, particularly in the realm of business and sales.  It is important to maintain a calm demeanor, however, and to be conscientious of to whom you are talking.  Your silver tongue could also stir up controversy and suspicion if you lose your cool.  The weekend of the 24th is a great time for intellectual pursuits, negotiating business deals, or shopping for bargains.



Emperor (6 of Cups) Family matters are at the forefront this month, and how you deal with this says more about you than you realize.  You will be expected to take greater initiative and responsibility, and although this may be challenging, the rewards are countless.  A male figure could provide extra support but may also try to dominate the situation.  It would be wise to turn down any help that comes with a price.  Trust your own power right now!  By the end of the month, this issue should become more manageable, and you, in turn, will become a more confident person. 

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors.  

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008 

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