By Peggy Firth, CTM
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I create a journal page for every reading since most querents do not remember much of the information discussed (see sample below). At the bottom of the page I have space for an affirmation based on the reading. An affirmation is a strong positive statement, in the present tense, that can have an affect on the purpose for the reading. It is a simple statement that reinforces the outcome of the reading and I recommend that it be repeated out loud several times daily to increase the possibility that the goal will be reached or a positive change will be made. This practice is not based on "mind over matter" but forms an auto-suggestion that helps focus one's energy.
A strong affirmation sets two powerful mental qualities into action, intention and expectation. Intention is more than wishing, wanting and hoping. It is the determination to apply or act upon the statement. The other powerful force is expectation which harnesses the idea, image or statement, even if the outcome is not specifically known. If you expect a certain result you are likely to experience it. Expecting a particular outcome changes the brain chemistry. It is medically known that a placebo can create healing. Many experiments have been done that show that our brains create the experience of reality based on our expectations. For example, a so-called pain reducing cream rubbed on the forearms of subjects tested whether the cream inhibited some of the pain caused by a hot instrument. Sure enough the cream caused the subjects to feel less pain.
In order for affirmations to work it's important that they reflect a positive outcome. Any negative words only negate statements made. For example, if you have a physical problem you should say or write, “Today I feel as good as possible,” not dwell on the problem. Goals such as wanting to be a millionaire are not reasonable and failure is likely. A much better affirmation would be to, “I am becoming financially secure” or “I easily save." Setting limitations on the outcome is less likely to create disbelief, thereby negating the outcome. It is also important to use words in the present tense rather than future tense such as the word “will”. Another aspect of affirmations that create a better outcome is the fact that being too specific and wordy can undermine the outcome. Dictating to the universe or God exactly how to create the outcome is not recommended. It is best to generalize since we do not know how or when something could come about.
Sample affirmations:
- Every day I feel more confident.
- Today I feel better.
- Every day I feel more joyful.
- I easily gain financial strength.
- I easily afford a new car.
- I create simplicity in my daily life.
- I feel capable and mentally sharp.