If you ever have dreamed about starting your own Tarot business this is a book you will want to read. Professional Tarot is the result of the author's own experience as a Tarot reader and provides the first “how-to” guide on creating a successful Tarot card reading business. Both the aspiring professional reader as well as those who are already reading professionally will find lots of useful information here.
Christine Jette is a well known contributor in the Tarot world. This is her fourth Tarot book. She has also written Tarot for the Healing Heart: Using Inner Wisdom to Heal Body & Mind , Tarot Shadow Work: Using Dark Symbols to Heal and also the distinctive Tarot for All Seasons: Celebrating the Days & Nights of Power .
The Professional Tarot is chock full of good advice and helpful tips. Jette provides sound business advice on topics like how to build a Tarot reading practice, how to talk to clients about fees, how to advertise your new business, as well as more mundane topics like bookkeeping and paying taxes. |
Professional Tarot: The Business of Readings, Consulting & Teaching
by Christine Jette
Llewellyn Publications
ISBN 0-7387-0217-X |
Some examples of her helpful tips include making your own business card refrigerator magnets using inexpensive office supplies, and how to read at festivals, (the key is to keep them short, no more than ten minutes in length). She tackles the tricky subject of reading for minors and shares that she has made her life simpler by choosing not to read for anyone under the age of eighteen. The book also covers how to do online readings, phone readings, as well as the more traditional in person readings.
One of the most important chapters in the books is on counseling clients. Being a registered nurse, Ms. Jette has had many years of experience in the healing fields. In addition she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology, so the information she provides is based on both professional experience as well as sound theory. Ms. Jette advice to the reader is to have a written plan in place on what to do if there is an emergency. For example, if the client is posing a danger to herself the plan would include calling 911, stopping the reading and telling the client to go to the emergency room and if appropriate giving the client the phone number for the suicide prevention hotline.
One of my favorite chapters in the book is on teaching the Tarot to students. In this chapter, Ms. Jette gives step-by-step instructions on how to develop and give a well organized tarot class. Some of her advice to would be Tarot teachers is that before the class you should keep the day as stress free as possible. She recommends that the teacher stay grounded and remember to eat lightly before the class. Ms. Jette discusses that it is important to pay attention to how you are breathing, and explains if you exhale slowly the inhalations will take care of themselves. She also advises that it is good to be honest with students if you are nervous.
Bonus features to the book are the three supporting appendixes. Appendix A gives an example of a tarot reader's code of ethics. The second appendix provides detailed tarot course outlines. And the final appendix, titled The Resourceful Reader , provides the reader with additional places to find information on everything from Tarot decks to information about business organizations.
The Professional Tarot contains a comprehensive Table of Contents which makes finding the specific information you need easy. Each chapter is divided into subchapters that include the corresponding page numbers. One small problem I found with the book was that the Index needed to be proof read better. The entry for, “teens, reading for” was out of order in the index. Other than this small problem, the book comes across as an outstanding resource.
In closing it should be emphasized that the Professional Tarot is a much needed work in the field of Tarot studies. Ms. Jette's book provides an excellent resource on an important area of study and is recommended to anyone who is interested in exploring the topic further. Professional Tarot belongs on the bookshelf of every serious Tarot reader. |