Frolicking Fae

By Terri Clement

Using the Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish

Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day! The weather here in the Pacific Northwest has been very wet! The lawn feels like a sponge under my feet. I, for one, really don’t mind the rain too much, though I really would like to get out and work in my garden.  The weeds are really sprouting out there! Good news, is school will be out next week and my youngest is graduating from high school, so after 16 years of the Mommy Taxi there will be no more driving to school!

Let’s see what the Fae have to offer up for the month of June…


This month, the Fae want to remind you of the Law of Three. What you send out will come back to you triple fold as there is no place else for it to go. This is a good time to do some shadow work.  Face up to what you have been blaming others for. Take responsibility for your own actions and emotions. Do not simply shift blame from others to yourself, rather clear your space and work with your dark side and understand the lessons. Act responsibly, with integrity and honesty.

Now is a good time to be working with the moon cycles. Begin new projects during the new moon, plant veggies that grow above ground (lettuce) during this time. During the full moon, finish projects and plant those things that grow under the soil (carrots).  Learn about your “moon sign” discover how the moon affects your personality and how to better work with the lunar energy.

June 21 is Midsummer Night/Summer Solstice (the longest day of the year). This is a highly active Faerie day. You might want to think about building a Faerie House for the garden or find something to leave out to honor them on this special occasion. Other Midsummer Night customs included decorating houses with plants such as St. John’s Wort, roses, verbena, birch and trefoil. Other fun things you can do on this special day; attend drumming or flute circles, dance or have a bon fire in a safe location.

June is also a good time to reach out to groups of like minded people. Look for people who share your ideas and beliefs, find those who are willing to share their knowledge with you and vice versa. This is a time to take down your mask and reveal who you truly are in safe and friendly environments.

This is also a good time to find ways to lessen your impact on mother earth. This could be as simple as planting a small tree and switching to reusable shopping bags. This could be a good time to adopt a park or nature trail and do some clean up. This might be a good activity for the group mentioned above.

A nice stone to wear or carry is the Moonstone.


The moonstone is the stone of “new beginnings”. This stone promotes intuition and empathy. It has been used to enhance physic ability and develop clairvoyance. It can help calm over-reactions to situations and emotional triggers. Women may need to remove the moonstone during a full moon.

It is said if you give your partner a moonstone necklace during a full moon, you will always have passion.

As always, I hope you find that this message, from the Fae helps guide you through the ups and downs of this month! Remember to say a special little thank you to our Fae Friends for the guidance, insight and entertainment!

See you again, next month and keep the faith!

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