July's Forecast

By Adrienne Abeyta

The July TarotScopes features the cards of the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc., and is now available there at www.usgamessystems.com.  Copyright (c) 2008 U.S. Games Systems, Inc.  All images used with permission.



Hierophant (Ace of Wands)

A flash of insight around the 23rd provides clarity that will begin changing the course of your affairs.  The answers you have been searching for (philosophical or practical) will be revealed if you ask the proper questions.  Now is a good time to seek advice from a knowledgeable source.  An incident that began in the spring will yield positive and fruitful results.  Use the dividends from your investment in a meaningful way;  coveting material possessions will only produce empty desires.  Find ways to incorporate passion into the mundane aspects of life!



Star (6 of Pentacles)

A wealth of resources lies beneath your fears. To tap them, you must trust in what you cannot see, give what you have, and pay back any outstanding debts. You may be called to be of service the weekend of the 26th. Even if it doesn’t fit your schedule, try to make it happen. A great way to feel wealthy is to reach out and help someone in need. Find ways to restore peace and balance into your life; you might start by dispelling the doubts occupying your mind.



Temperance (Knight of Cups)

Life is a delicate balance that demands constant physical, emotional, and spiritual adjustment. It’s difficult to regulate such a flow when we’re overwhelmed by other people’s problems. Your compassion is beginning to call to the poor souls of the world, and unfortunately, this has begun to contaminate your healthier relationships. Someone  

close to you needs more attention than you realize; stop for a moment and share your feelings with them.



High Priestess (Queen of Wands)

Wisdom is often attained at the expense of innocence; the protective veil is ripped down, revealing the truth. Emotional uncertainty challenges you to trust the subtleties of your inner voice. A recent problem is worked out, restoring your confidence. However, this air of confidence might provoke heated conversations with others. Rather than shrinking away or responding in anger, rise above and recognize the dynamic at hand. This experience will lead to incredible insights and emotional freedom. The New Moon on the 2nd suggests a time of deep reflection; take a moment to be silent and retire from the  

business of life.



Magician (6 of Swords)

Potential is unlimited when you understand how to manipulate a situation; there are countless ways of achieving what you desire. However, when your desires are limited by a negative belief that you’re not capable or deserving, a conflict develops. As challenges arrive, look at what you’re already doing well and build upon that. An opportunity is offered at the beginning of the month that entails some risk-taking. Be confident in your power and it will work out by the end of the month. Travel this month brings favorable experiences - pay attention to synchronicities!



Strength (9 of Cups)

It’s a misconception that strength must be forceful and that you must exert great amounts of energy to accomplish a goal, or repress naturally spontaneous behavior to win approval. Remember that areas that produce the greatest aggravation also contain the most untapped potential. An emotional relationship at the beginning of the month is likely to trigger deep feelings of insecurity. Next time you feel undervalued or overlooked, try telling others how great you are; bask in your own pride rather than soliciting it from them. Power comes from within and strength is developed through deliberate expressions of your own nature, light and dark.



Chariot (King of Pentacles)

The circumstances you encounter are, in part, the result of an unconscious process. You will attract what you think about most. The test, however, is your reaction to these experiences. You will be faced with some great moral challenges. It would be wise to think before you act, because although a situation may appear trivial, the consequences are enormous. Temptation will play a big role in this, so remember to act from a place of integrity. Anything that seems too good to be true around the 8th probably is. In a relationship, infatuation evaporates, revealing the other person’s true colors. Do you still like what you see?



Emperor (6 of Wands)

Dedication and responsibility become the cornerstones for building new foundations this month, and when you apply your energy to something, it will naturally expand. A project on which you have been working very hard will show signs of success, and though you may be tempted to stop and collect on the reward, it is more prudent to continue building. Expect an authority figure to deliver some good news - such as a raise or promotion around the 11th. For those recently embroiled in a power struggle, the situation is now in your control, so be sure to not abuse your power.



Moon (King of Wands)

Caught in the effects of your actions? Feeling stuck and anxious? Vacillations between the extremes of excitement and fear, ambition and apathy, or passion and boredom, have more control than you realize. You must navigate through these thick emotions in order to reorganize your initial goal. Examine the areas you feel most oppressed by and ask yourself if you feel inspired or just tired. Have courage to sit with this ambivalence, for there is a message in this madness. A mysteriously charismatic person will appear the week of the 13th. Until the smoke clears, hold fast to your intuition and trust your common sense.



Sun (9 of Pentacles)

Confidence is not something that can be attained. It must be recognized and honored. If you cannot believe in yourself, how will anyone else? Developing a deeper awareness of your Self requires that you become less dependent upon what you have and more concerned with who you are. By the middle of the month, you will uncover a brilliant treasure - one that cannot be destroyed, but can most certainly be employed. If you have been thinking about a career change, a major move, or a risky business venture, now is your time to strike! Let your conscious be your guide.



Hermit (3 of Wands)

Time alone is often the best remedy for recovery. Within the silence of solitude, you hear the advice of your inner voice. Feelings of emptiness often provoke the search for deeper meaning. If you can reach past the obstacles, you have the opportunity for sincere personal growth. However, you must first focus on what you want to achieve and why it’s important to you. Clarify your goals and share them with others. Speak from the depths of your being, not just from your mind. The Full Moon on the 18th brings a night of mystery, so allow yourself to wander off the beaten path and discover something intriguing.



Tower (Page of Pentacles)

In the blink of an eye, your entire life can change, and if you resist holding onto the past, you’ll be capable of much greater things. Something or someone you are responsible for is in a deconstruction phase; the nonessentials will fall away, leaving room for renovation. In your ambitious pursuit to manage the dilemma, you could forfeit future growth, so accept what you can in the moment and let go of the rest. The week of the 21st is an intense time for a young person close to you; reach out, but don’t attempt to save anyone.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors.  

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008 

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