Unity in Olympic Proportions

By Andrew Harris

Here is a wish (and a quest) for this special month of the beginning of the Olympics in Beijing, August 8th, 2008.

This is surely a magical day in our calendar to begin with, 8/8/08, and the start of the Olympics will lend a special character to the way billions of people feel on this day. Without even working any, a significant portion of the global family will feel the magic in the air on 8/8/8. 

I am reminded of a news report - the Chinese interpret the recent solar eclipse, traditionally seen as ominous, as a good luck sign for the games. I don't claim to understand China or its customs, but I have always been fascinated by it, and I have the impression that it is a magical culture attuned to signs and the divine in a rich way. I am no great sports fan, but I have the impression that many sports cultures are filled with magical intention. This combination ensures that millions will be magically attuned to this date, which leads me to wonder, what is a fitting spell for us to undertake, to participate in this? We may already be “rooting" for particular athletes but I am suggesting a grander calling for magical intention.

In the politics surrounding China today, I have heard it mentioned that China values its sovereignty more than most other nations (but perhaps at the expense of certain human rights, protestors argue). I have also heard that the focus in China in preparation for the Olympic games is unity, and I have heard quotes from schoolchildren responding to the national campaign to emphasize the oneness of humanity. 

I think it is amazing that the people so proud of their country are using this stage to display that pride to the world, and also to welcome the world and the Olympic spirit of unity. This spirit accompanies any Olympic games, which is one reason so many people are interested in watching. Somehow this spirit is intensified by the Olympics being in China, home to a fifth of the world's human family. I have no specific recommendation other than to join this day, this energy, and the intentions of billions, with a spell for the unity of people. There will be a day when we have long outgrown war, when we see each other not as different, but at different distances, on our common mother earth. Let's invoke and manifest that this month, and this day, 8/8/8, is the time we will cement the world intention for unity as the foundation to last for eternity. This can be a milestone, the first day of a new, unending era. Lets usher it in with magic, laughter, and celebration.

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Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2008 

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