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Adrienne Abeyta

Adrienne Abeyta combines the symbolic systems of tarot, numerology, and astrology. She offers a contemporary approach as she connects modern psychology and spirituality in her readings. Her specialty is bridging the practical everyday world with the spiritual growth and evolution of each person. She believes in the capacity of individuals to discover their fullest potential and it is her gift to assist in this process. Adrienne is a certified life coach and owner of Five Muses Entertainment. Adrienne can be reached at 619-917-0998
Have you checked out Adrienne's new website?
Terri Clement

Terri Clement is a featured reader at many local events in the greater Puget Sound area. She has been reading since the age of thirteen. She also works with Faerie Energy for reading and healing. She specializes in Behavior Kinesiology and has guested on Seattle area radio stations.
She is one of 111 featured authors in One Page Wisdom: Inspirational One-Page Writings from 111 People Worldwide published by Life Skills Australia and available from fine booksellers online and elsewhere.
She can be reached at
Jeanne Fiorini

Jeanne Fiorini has had a life long interest in the symbolic and the unseen. She has studied transpersonal psychology at The Synthesis Center in Amherst, Massachusetts, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History, and has extensive experience with the symbols of the Tarot and archetypal psychology.
Originally from Upstate New York, Jeanne settled in South Portland, Maine in 1978, where she founded her business "TarotWorks" in 1991.
Now in her second decade as a Tarot practitioner and teacher, Jeanne blends the art of Tarot reading with practical guidance and useful information.
Her readings, classes and workshops all serve as reminders that the authentic life is the one worth living and that the world is, as John Keats said, "the veil for soulmaking."
Visit Jeanne at her website: or email her at
Christiana Gaudet

For the past eighteen years Christiana Gaudet has worked as a full-time tarot reader and teacher. From her home in South Florida she offers readings by Skype and telephone, and tarot webinars. Christiana's first book, Fortune Stellar: What Every Professional Tarot Reader Needs to Know is designed to help each tarot professional build a unique and successful tarot business. Her new book, Tarot Tour Guide: Tarot, the Four Elements and Your Spiritual Journey explores ways of using and understanding tarot by understanding the Four Elements.
Find Christiana online at
Gary Meister, CTM, MsD

Gary has been a proud member of the American Tarot Association for quite some time. He holds the title of Certified Tarot Master (CTM) from both The Associated Readers Of Tarot (T.A.R.O.T.) (now defunct) and the Tarot Certification Board of America. He is a lifetime member of the Magical Golden Dawn (MGD), an initiatic order descended from the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn, established in 1888, and belongs to the Modern Essene Fellowship, a healing, teaching order.
He has studied Spiritual Tarot through correspondence courses from Builders of the Adytum (BOTA), a modern mystery school, and many other sources over the years. He holds certificates in Practical Metaphysics, Metaphysical Healing and Comparative Religion from the Gabriel Society (now also defunct), and he holds a certificate of Outstanding Achievement in "Intuitive Tarot" from
He has made a lifetime study of all things spiritual and metaphysical, and has studied and read Tarot and Numerology for over twenty-five years.
Flash Silvermoon

Flash Silvermoon is a nationally known psychic, astrologer, musician, teacher and author. She is an eclectic Dianic Priestess as well as being a vibrational healer. Flash has worked on many cases that have challenged the authorities and has a large clientele that includes the famous and nearly-famous. She has served the community for 31 years as a psychic astrologer and healer.
She specializes in the use of stones and crystals, working with them through layout on the body, grids, elixirs and her own unique combinations called "Power Tools." Flash also uses Flower Essences in her practice, which includes animals as well as humans.
Flash has been a leader in her field since the early 70's and has recently turned her efforts towards multi-cultural women's gatherings. She has published several books, including:
❖ The Wise Woman's Tarot - a multicultural, matriarchal book & deck
❖ Flash Silvermoon's Planetary Playbook - (Many excerpts have appeared in Of A Like Mind, an international magazine for women's spirituality.)
❖ The Temple of Isis - a channeled remembrance of her past life as a Priestess of Isis.
Flash is available for concerts and individual or group speaking engagements. Contact her through her website,, in advance for your special events and visit her Music page to listen to samples of her evocative sound artistry and to order her music on tape.
Sheri Harshberger

Sheri Harshberger has been working with the Tarot for many years and is thrilled to share her love of the American Tarot Association, Tarot and oracles with the world community as Editor of Tarot Reflections and as the Vice President of Outreach. She is a featured author in One Page Wisdom: Inspirational One-Page Writings from 111 People Worldwide. When not working on features and Tarot Reflections issues, she can be found reading by appointment in her office, at a fair, corporate event, and nearly anywhere one would be least likely to find an "oracular samurai."
She can be reached at