This month, we are offering a $50.00 (USD) gift card from Amazon.com, with which you can treat yourself to whatever you would like!
To keep everyone on the same playing field, the image to the left is a clip of a card that appears in THIS issue of Tarot Reflections. Send us your guess on what card and what deck the clip is from. All correct guesses will be put in a pool from which the winner will be drawn. You do not have to be a member of the ATA to play or win, nor do you have to be located in the U.S.A. -- we will ship internationally (please note that international winners will be sent a digital version of the gift card via the email he or she specifies due to Amazon.com requirements). All you have to do for a chance to win this prize is to figure out what card and deck the clip is from and email your guess to us at reflections@ata-tarot.com using your regular email system.
The deadline for entries is OCTOBER 1, 2012. The winner will be drawn on during the first week of October, so be sure to watch your emails for us to contact you and get your shipping information (and what name and location you prefer we use in the winner announcement)!
The answer and the winner will be announced in the October 2012 issue of Tarot Reflections! Good luck and have fun with the game!

ATA Cafe Press Store!
If you have seen our stuff at the Readers Studio and BATS or other functions' raffles and didn't win it... but wanted it... or are having problems finding just the right thing for that reader in your life that has everything... here you go! We've worked hard to put together some great items to show support for the American Tarot Association! All proceeds go to support the American Tarot Association, which is a non-profit organization.
Click the link here or on the ATA's home page to go to the store and check out the stuff! ATTENTION ATA MEMBERS! You get a special store! Use the link that is available on the ATA Members Only page to access your store!