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Tarot Reflections

  October 2006

James Wells

James Wells is a Toronto-based tarot consultant, reiki master, writer, and workshop facilitator/teacher. He has been working, living, and playing with tarot since 1979. His choice-focused, proactive style make him a popular practitioner and presenter, at home and abroad. James's mission is to assist humanity to reach its full potential, one person at a time.

Please visit James' website: Assisting humanity to reach its full potential, one person at a time.


ARIES. World, reversed
Potential Challenges: Feeling as though parts of yourself are fractured or separated. Forcing yourself into choices you're not ready to make. Spending too much time in your inner world.
Potential Resources: Aware of yourself in many dimensions at once. Able to encounter a variety of emotional and psychological experiences. Feeling at one with the planet.

TAURUS. Star, upright
Potential Challenges: Directing energy or resources to places where they're not required. Giving 'til it hurts. Putting on a false mask of hope.
Potential Resources: Being an agent for good things to flow to those around you. Sharing your resources and energy in a constructive manner. Being a shining example of abundance and hope.

GEMINI. 5 of Swords, upright
Potential Challenges: Verbal and written disagreements or arguments. Acting disruptive to your neighbours. A change in your travel itinerary.
Potential Resources: Fine tuning data and ideas. Engaging in healthy debate. Tweaking educational materials and programs.

CANCER. King of Wands, upright
Potential Challenges: A sense of losing your identity or even documents that validate your identity. Sacrificing your independence. Venting anger destructively.
Potential Resources: Stepping out of roles that no longer serve you. Sharing leadership with others. Saying "good bye" to loneliness.

LEO. Knight of Wands, upright
Potential Challenges: Obsessing about what you look like to others. Intensely hot weather or climates. Hung up on needing to be alone.
Potential Resources: Determination to be self-made and independent. Enthusiasm for outdoor activities. Demonstrating your passion for a leading-edge project.

VIRGO. Page of Swords, upright
Potential Challenges: A reckless or unstable lifestyle. Jumping into conversations that are none of your business. Recommitting to a committe you'd rather not be a part of.
Potential Resources: Daring to speak the truth about something. Boldly trying out communication tools or processes. Going on an adventure tour.

LIBRA. 7 of Swords, upright
Potential Challenges: Being coy or "gamey" with words and semantics. Expanding your network before it's ready to grow. Scattered thinking leading to spotty information.
Potential Resources: Expanding your vocabulary in your own or another language. An ablity to talk with many people. Enlarging your network or getting involved in an experimental community.

SCORPIO. 7 of Cups, upright
Potential Challenges: Fickle about friend and/or lovers. "Playing the field" to avoid intimacy. Toying with other people's feelings.
Potential Resources: Allowing yourself to experience diverse types of relationships. Enlarging the team to lighten the load. An ability to express a wide array of emotions.

SAGITTARIUS. 3 of Swords, reversed
Potential Challenges: Planning things in your head without writing them down. Mental fantasies about vengeful private conversations. A need to define your philosophy to anyone who'll listen to you.
Potential Resources: Studying philosophy. Preparing ahead of time through positive self-talk. Clarifying your personal worldview and opinions.

CAPRICORN. Hermit, reversed
Potential Challenges: Believing that you know it all. Secretly blanking out or withdrawing when people are trying to talk to you. Pretending to come from a place of inner wisdom.
Potential Resources: True self-awareness. The pursuit of so-called "esoteric" knowledge. Able to accept and hold your own wisdom.

AQUARIUS. 8 of Cups, reversed

Potential Challenges: Bottling up your feelings. Blocking intuitive messages. Cutting back on medication without professional advice.
Potential Resources: Getting difficult emotions under control. Knowing your limit with regard to alcohol or other substances. Using a structured intuitive tool such as tarot, astrology, numerology, etc.

PISCES. 9 of Pentacles, upright
Potential Challenges: Integrating monetary worries into other areas of life. Being "loosey-goosey" about your health. Immersing yourself in unsound business deals.
Potential Resources: Successfully blending two or more healing modalities. Mingling with co-workers or colleagues. Effortlessly expressing your sexuality.

All good things,


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