In This Issue

The holidays are upon us!  I don't know about all of you, but it seems like time starts accelerating right after Halloween and doesn't stop until after New Year's!  Precious few days and weeks are left in the year, and those days and weeks seem to be the busiest of the year!  Please remember to take time for yourself and not try to do too much!  Enjoy this time of the year!  It's not hard to believe that a lot of minds are on changes.

We live in a great time for Tarot and the metaphysical.  Every day, we gain more and more mainstream exposure to the point that we are part of a multi-million dollar worldwide movement.  This was really brought home to me this month when I tried to create an article of gift ideas.  I was completely overwhelmed!  I'm going to try again for the December issue, but there might just be too much available... isn't that great?!

Speaking of great things, on to the announcement of the winner of the Halloween Contest!  The winner of the Halloween Contest and her choice of the All Hallows Tarot by Robin Tisch-Hollister or the Fairy Tale Tarot by Lisa Hunt is:

Sherry Wood-Fairchild of Arlington, Texas USA!  Congratulations!

for her correct guess of The Wheel from the Bohemian Gothic Tarot by Karen Mahoney and Alex Ukolov, also known as Magic Realist Press.  Be sure to play this month!

This month we have another great issue!  Gary Brings us Lesson 4 in his series, Jeanne Fiorini, Terri C., Leean Lester and Mita Bhan have filed articles, Donnaleigh de LaRose puts our minds at ease with her article, and Melanie brings us an interview with the fantastic Carl "Llwelleyn" Weschcke!  

May the blessings of abundance and prosperity be upon you and yours!

The Fool image used above is from the Tarot of the New Vision by Pietro Alligo, illustrated by Raul and Gianluca Cestaro, and published by Lo Scarabeo.

All submissions remain the property of their respective authors. 

Tarot Reflections is published by the American Tarot Association - Copyright (C) 2009

Questions? Comments? Contact us.