I don't know about anyone else, but I have a hard time believing that it is already December! The older I get, the faster time seems to fly past! Remember to think of others less fortunate this time of year, and if you can use your gifts to help them, so much the better! I am very excited to be able to do so this year for the first time. For three nights this week, I will be sitting in a local business doing card readings for free as part of a function that is raising money (and food) for a local food bank. It's win-win for me and for Tarot, as I enjoy reading and I enjoy participating in charity functions. The icing on the cake is the opportunity to show people, who might normally be afraid of Tarot or willing to believe the negative press, ethical and positive readings. I've had the good blessings to be outrageously busy each time I read locally, so I hope this event is equally so! I carry all the positive support and good energy of the Tarot community with me!
Now, it's time for us to help Christmas come early for the winner of the November Contest!
Congratulations, Disa of Atlanta, Georgia!
The correct answer was the Seven of Swords from the Tarot of Inner Peace by Hedy Maimann. Enjoy your "The Process" kit! Thanks to everyone for playing! We have a new contest for this month, so good luck to everyone!
Despite the hectic time of the year, we've got a great issue this month! We are all very happy to have Gary Meister back after his absence last month! Welcome back, Gary, you were missed! I want to apologize for not mentioning that he was taking the month off in the last issue, leaving some of you to email me to find out what was happening. Melanie has an amazing interview with Rachel Pollack and we review her new book, Rachel Pollack's Tarot Wisdom: Spiritual Teachings and Deeper Meanings. Leean Lester has graciously shared a letter to Santa written by her father that we are honored to bring to you, too. We also have a great article from Jeanne Fiorini, TarotScopes, Soothsayer's Corner, and more! Enjoy the issue!