First Prize
Chris Neville
Victoria Regina Tarot
deck & book set with velvet bag
Second Prize
Samantha Kocsis
Tarot Shadow Work
by Christine Jette
and a deck bag
Third Prize
Lori Christian
Tarot deck bag
Thanks to everyone who entered our April Fools' Day contest, and congratulations to our winners. How did you do?
Connolly Tarot
Tarot of the Saints
Fey Tarot
Sacred Circle Tarot
Black Tarot
Tarot of the Ages
Aquarian Tarot
Osho Zen Tarot
Miss Cleo's Tarot Power Deck
Celtic Dragon Tarot
Nigel Jackson Tarot
Whimsical Tarot
Thoth Tarot
Cosmic Tarot
Legend: Arthurian Tarot
Ancestral Path Tarot
Stained-Glass Windows Tarot
(Il Tarocco Delle Vetrate)
Witches Tarot
Robin Wood Tarot
Hudes Tarot
Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
Shapeshifter Tarot
Tarot of the Journey to the Orient
(Marco Polo Tarot)
Diamond Tarot
Publishers' Credits
AGMuller: Cosmic Tarot, Diamond Tarot
Tarocco del Negro: Stained-Glass Windows Tarot (Il Tarocco Delle Vetrate)
Fournier: Black Tarot
Llewellyn Worldwide: Tarot of the Saints, Sacred Circle Tarot, Celtic Dragon Tarot, Nigel Jackson Tarot, Legend: Arthurian Tarot, Witches Tarot, Robin Wood Tarot, Golden Dawn Magical Tarot, Shapeshifter Tarot
Lo Scarabeo: Fey Tarot, Tarot of the Journey to the Orient (Marco Polo Tarot)
Radar Communications: Miss Cleo's Tarot Power Deck
Rodale Press: Osho Zen Tarot
U.S. Games: Connolly Tarot, Tarot of the Ages, Aquarian Tarot, Whimsical Tarot, Thoth Tarot, Ancestral Path Tarot, Hudes Tarot